Daniels Healthcare Sustainability Promise

Our Sustainability Promise

We believe that healthcare products and devices should be safe for users and also sustainable for our planet.

Since our inception in 1939, Daniels Healthcare has been focussed on designing and manufacturing products for the healthcare sector that support point-of-use treatment, are safe to use, and protect customers and patients from harm.

Our sustainability promise is built into how we manufacture and deliver a comprehensive sharps and clinical waste disposal system for customers.

Below we outline our principles, foundations, and commitment to sustainability.



Our Four Sustainability Principles:


How we focus on embedding this principle

A responsibility to operate our business sustainably. We have an obligation —to our employees, our communities, our customers and the environment —to reduce our impact on the planet. Our long-term approach aims to limit any adverse effects on the environment from our business processes and products in a continuous and coordinated way while fostering a culture of involvement in sustainability.
Safety, affordability and sustainability can go hand-in-hand. We are developing the next generation of our products utilising sustainably sourced recycled plastics, to create cost-competitive, high-quality products with a reduced environmental footprint, without compromising on safety and affordability while reducing the use of virgin plastic.
A lifecycle approach to resource conservation and waste reduction. We carefully evaluate our environmental responsibility across the entire lifecycle, from production through to disposal, to make the process as efficient and waste-free as possible. When we innovate our systems, processes and products, we look at the full impact of raw materials, design, manufacture, packaging, distribution, logistics and customer support –to make better sustainability choices, decisions and shifts in approach.
Education and partnership working are key to embedding best practices and encouraging good habits. We work in partnership with our customers, suppliers and staff to ensure that our sustainability goals, roadmap and overall vision is understood, supported and implemented collaboratively. We champion a joined-up approach and support our stakeholders in achieving their own sustainability goals, through consultation, training and continuous auditing to ensure compliance.


Foundations of Our Promise

For us at Daniels Healthcare (Mauser UK Ltd), sustainability is a four-part promise, with vested interests in:

  • caring about the future of our planet
  • securing the future of our business to continue to support our valued employees and their families
  • enriching our contribution to our dedicated community of healthcare customers
  • innovating our products, service and support to enhance the value for our customers and stakeholders

Our continued investment and commitment to sustainability strengthens the longevity of our business and enables us to continue to service our loyal customers into the future.

Daniels Healthcare Sustainability Promise

Our Sustainability Commitment

It is best to articulate this according to the foundations of our promise:

The Future of Our Planet

This is focussed on our Product Ranges’ (SHARPSGUARD® & WIVA™) impact on the Environment

We operate in a complex and regulated marketplace, so our promise is to constantly evaluate and evolve our product ranges & processes to reduce any potential harm to the environment – without compromising the safe use of the products.

This involves continuous analysis into:

    • Energy efficiencies (e.g. factory systems, tools & processes)
    • Water wastage & pollutants into waterways (from manufacturing processes)
    • Packaging waste (e.g. cardboard packaging)
    • Raw Material sourcing (e.g. reuse plastic wherever possible)
    • Technology & Tools used leading to reduction in electricity consumption & raw material wastage
    • Selecting sustainability-conscious partners (e.g. DPD, the courier service which guarantees that every delivery is carbon neutral)

If you are one of our customers and are looking for sustainability documents or certification for your records, please feel free to check our downloads page.

The Future of Our Business

We commit to securing the future for our employees & their families

Through the innovation of our product ranges, growing our customer base and deepening relationships with strategic partners on sustainability, we create more opportunities for employee career progression, longevity in employment, and improve the future value of the business.

We promise to involve our employees in providing input into the evolution of our products and support services as they are close to our customers and understand the nuances of decision making in today’s market place.

We promise to evolve how our training and support is delivered to customers, to reduce unnecessary journeys and provide a better workplace balance for our staff.

Contribution to Our Customer Communities

We spend much of our time educating and training our customers in frontline healthcare settings. We also sponsor many local awareness campaigns (e.g. reducing glove usage, better and safer sharps disposal habits, flu jab campaigns, cancer awareness drives, and health spot checks).

Our promise is to continue to use the power of our social media following to help educate audiences, and contribute time, funds or products towards supporting causes that are meaningful to our overall sustainability promise.

Enhance the Value of Our Business for Customers & Stakeholders

We are proud to be a part of Mauser Packaging Solutions who strive to provide customised solutions that have a positive impact on businesses and the planet, bringing sustainability at scale to companies all over the world.

While at Daniels Healthcare, part of Mauser UK, we focus on sharps and clinical waste safety, being a part of an international packaging group – we can contribute our significant product innovation and streamlining processes to aid reducing the global impact of this industry.

We promise to continue to be the partner UK & European procurement and waste teams look to work with, in order to achieve their own sustainability goals. We will do this by constantly being mindful of:

    • our consumption of natural resources (& thereby reducing the cost of waste)
    • securing supply chain partners who share the same environmental impact values
    • reviewing our packaging materials & methods (increasing efficiencies)
    • innovation opportunities for sustainable product offerings

More resources:


What have we achieved so far?

We recognise that being a sustainably responsible business means finding the right balance of social, economic and environmental commitments. Below are some of the activities we have completed between 2013 and today:

Awards & Accolades

  • Our SHARPSGUARD® eco range was recognised as Best Sustainable Product at Infection Prevention Societies annual conference two years running – 2023 & 2024

Product range impact on the environment

Daniels Healthcare Sustainability Promise

Manufacturing processes and equipment:

  • 70% of company cars are now hybrid or fully electric vehicles.
  • Installed a hybrid production machine creating global carbon savings, healthcare supply chain security and local employment.
  • EV chargers installed at our head office to support the growing numbers of company and staff cars moving to electric.
  • Carried out a packing efficacy project and adjusted the way two container variants are arranged in cases. Changes implemented increased cases per pallet, overall pallet stability and took 15 lorries off the road per year.
  • Purchased a strap tool which will reduce the amount of plastic used in each strap (saving around 2508kg of plastic per year)
  • We introduced new multi-impression tooling (so that we can manufacture more containers per hour – reducing electricity consumption and providing better continuity of supply)


  • As part of our own mission to be a more sustainable company and to support the NHS’s journey to NetZero we have published our Carbon Reduction Plan
  • Mauser Packaging Solutions appointed the first Director of Environmental Compliance and Sustainability in April 2022. Peter DiPasca has been tasked to development and implement our sustainability strategy and establish our climate change strategy.
  • We are ISO 50001 certified (an international standard that provides a framework to constantly assess and improve our energy efficiency.)
  • Taken the Operation Clean Sweep® company pledge (part of our ISO14001 certification) to eliminate plastic raw materials entering local water courses
  • All cardboard we use is recycled and all of our cardboard packaging is made from 80% recycled materials and is 100% recyclable. (Sourced locally to our factory to lessen transportation distances).


What’s next on our sustainability journey?

We have the following projects that we are currently working on below.  We will update this page once we have launched or rolled them out to the public:

  • We continue to work through our product ranges and innovate them to be manufactured from as much recycled materials as possible.
  • We continue to investigate and implement energy saving machinery and processes.



Sustainability Champions

We have a team within Daniels Healthcare who are highly motivated by our sustainability vision and are empowered to educate, share and train our internal teams. They are led by our Sales Director UK and Ireland, Steven Boyle. Seven is very focussed on bringing our Sustainability Promise to life for our stakeholders, customers and staff.

Meet Steven Boyle:

Steven Boyle - Daniels HealthcareAs Sales Director UK and Ireland, Steven has responsibility for managing the sales team, is the first point of call for his customers in Scotland and is the commercial team’s key link with our manufacturing operations.

With more than 24 years’ experience in the healthcare industry, Steven’s dedication to the healthcare sector is evident. His experience in infection prevention and control, needle stick awareness, addiction services, and waste management, makes Steven an extremely skilled and dedicated to the healthcare sector.

He has experience in negotiation and leadership within the Healthcare field and is well-placed to spearhead our sustainability promise.

“I’m determined to provide the leadership & resources to ensure sustainability is advocated & integrated throughout Daniels Healthcare, and to make certain all the decisions we make today can contribute to a healthier environment tomorrow.”