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  bySharps Containers for Crisis at Christmas
Once again this year COVID-19 will be impacting many homeless people this Christmas even more so than a ‘normal’ Christmas.
The homeless community are among those who have been hit the hardest by the virus and it can be very difficult for them to shield or self-isolate. Sleeping rough is incredibly dangerous, and is even worse so in winter – when temperatures drop dramatically. This December, at least 200,000 people are expected to experience the worst kinds of homelessness. From sleeping on the streets, on buses or on friend’s couches.
The national charity Crisis, has continued their important work throughout the pandemic to provide advice, warmth and companionship for those in precarious living situations as well as supplying clean and comfortable clothing, personal hygiene items and wellbeing packs.
And Christmas time is no different. Its frontline teams will be offering people facing homelessness access to vital services such as healthcare, food supplies and temporary accommodation at one of the most difficult times of year.
As part of Crisis’ appeal for medical equipment, we are supporting them again this year with donating sharps containers to support the much-needed healthcare provision across Crisis’s centres.
Alice Midgely, Resource Manager for Crisis at Christmas, said:
“Last year, your generous donation of sharps bins allowed our volunteers to provide vital medical services for our guests – a big thank you! Crisis at Christmas is needed more than ever before. It is only with the continued support of businesses such as yours that we are able to run this essential project. I’m sending you a picture of our lovely warehouse manager, Chris Beer, accepting delivery of your generous container donation.”