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  byInfection control and prevention events 2019
The UK has a wide range of infection control groups, initiatives and champions all working towards the common goals of raising awareness, sharing experiences and developing effective strategies to reduce infection rates. The infection prevention community is innovative, determined and committed to sharing knowledge with other professionals and groups in the UK and abroad.
In this blog, we’ve highlighted just a few of the infection prevention events taking place this year, plus a few other meetings and seminars which may also be of interest. We hope you find this a useful list.
27 February 2019
Infection Prevention and Control 2019-Sharing Knowledge Improving Care, London
Together with 500 colleagues from across the “whole health economy”, this conference aims to review the CQUIN results and look forward to see what progress is still required to achieve the 2020 targets in Infection Prevention & Control. It will review the latest NHSE/PHE/NHSI reporting trends and share local best practice on subjects including Sepsis, E. coli, UTIs and SSIs. It will also showcase the latest industry innovations and technologies in our networking area.
{Twitter info: Organiser = @KnowlexUK in collaboration with @NHSImprovement #IPC2019}
27 February 2019
Trainee education day – IPC in adult and paediatric critical care
The Healthcare Infection Society runs a structured trainee education programme specifically for medical microbiology, medical virology and infectious diseases trainees which is aligned to the RCPath curricula. The programme comprises a series of three, independent, one-day training sessions per year (in February, July and October/November), over a three-year period. This day on IPC in adult and paediatric critical care is one of the 9 trainee education days in the programme.
{Twitter info: @HIS_Infection}
18 March 2019
Tweet tweet: using Twitter in clinical research and practice
by NHS Support Librarians Imperial College London
This session will cover the use of Twitter, and how it can be used in your work, as well as some of the ethical issues surrounding its use (open to NHS staff working in the specific London Trusts).
{Twitter info: Organiser = @impmedlib}
21-22 March
The BSAC Spring Conference, Birmingham
The BSAC Spring Conference 2019 offers a state of art overview of the infection management and antimicrobial resistance landscape. The programme includes keynote lectures, plenary and parallel sessions, debates and an opening series of spotlight presentations – offering insights into the latest in drug discovery and development, socio-economic challenges, new and emerging treatments and diagnostics and debates and challenges policies and usage of antibiotic regimens. Globally focused and locally relevant, the conference brings together key opinion leaders, researchers and clinicians from across Europe and further afield.
{Twitter info: @BSACandJAC #BSAC2019}
10 April
Practice Nurse IPC Forum, Leeds
A forum for practice nurses who lead on IPC, to help, support and provide advice. An informal discussion and networking event, with topics discussed around Infection Prevention in the GP setting. Topics covered previously include: microbiology, Sepsis, E.coli, GP Auditing, the chain of infection. Please bring your own lunch and drinks and cake will be provided!
{Twitter info: @LCH_IPC}
11 April
RCN symposium on aseptic technique, London
The conference is open to anyone interested in clinical nursing practice and aseptic technique. It will be of particular interest to nurses in all care settings working in NHS and Independent care sectors. The event will also be of value to nurse educators, practice-based educators, procurement and infection prevention and control specialist nurses.
{Twitter info: Organiser = @thercn}
6-11 May
37th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases, Slovenia.
Thousands of clinicians, researchers, residents, and students will come together to build on the success and innovation of previous meetings. ESPID 2019 will feature a wide range of sessions and learning opportunities showcasing the latest research and developments in the field hosted by leading international experts.
{Twitter info: @ESPID_Society #ESPID2019}
19 June
The annual ‘Don’t panic!’ conference takes a practical approach to current infection control issues and will be of interest to microbiologists, infection control practitioners, public health staff and biomedical scientists working in this area. Registration and a full programme will be available shortly.
{Twitter info: @HIS_Infection}
10-13 September
5th International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control, Switzerland
Celebrating the 10-year anniversary of ICPIC, this conference offers a unique forum for participants to exchange knowledge and experience in the prevention of healthcare-associated infections and control of antimicrobial resistance around the world. ICPIC has become an established entity in the field of international Infection Control and Prevention meetings, with an average of 1200 participants from 100+ countries for the prior 4 meetings.
{twitter info: @ICPIC_meeting #ICPIC2019}
22-24 September
Infection Prevention 2019, Liverpool
This year’s Infection Prevention Society Conference celebrates 60 years of infection control nursing and includes the UK’s largest infection prevention exhibition. The varied programme encompasses many of the key issues facing infection prevention and control teams, regulators, clinicians, policymakers and organisations, not just in the UK and Europe but across the globe. There is time allocated on the programme to allow delegates to view the exhibitions stands and network with industry colleagues.
{twitter info: @IPS_infection #IPS2019}
11-14 November
Federation of Infection Societies 2019 Annual Conference (FIS 2019), Edinburgh
This event is a unique conference which includes the collaboration of 16 societies across the UK with interests in different aspects of Infectious Diseases, Clinical Microbiology, Biomedical Science, and Infection Control and provides a great opportunity to find out about the latest developments and to connect with key contacts and networks. The event will attract over 600 delegates bringing together some of the best and most thoughtful minds from around the world to participate and inform.
{twitter info: @MicrobioSoc #FIS2019}