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  byDaniels Sponsored Hand Washing Training Kits for Training Nurses in Madagascar
We sponsored hand washing training kits which were used to deliver training to Senior Nurses from three large hospitals in Antananarivo, the Capital of Madagascar. The equipment was then left with the staff to continue using to train their staff going forward.
Denise Everall, one of our Business Development Managers was approached by Gillian Hodgson, Nurse Consultant (Infection Prevention and Control) from the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust to look at sponsoring this worthy cause. Denise works closely with Gillian and was inspired by the story of the charity behind the work.
OPT IN, the charity behind this initiative, aims to share the knowledge and skills of NHS Staff (principally those of the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust) with partner hospitals in low income countries. Hospital staff from the UK go over to the developing country and share their expertise through training visits, or invite their colleagues from the developing countries to come on reciprocal visits to the UK. The idea is to help to deliver training that will result in sustained medical development in the health care services in countries like Madagascar, Swaziland, Bangladesh and Uganda.
Gillian told us that our sponsorship provided her with the opportunity to build a relationship with some of the Senior Nurses in Antananarivo and identify areas that they would like to receive further training in.
We were really pleased to be able to contribute in some way to this programme and it was even more pleasing to hear from Gillian that the best thing she felt that she gained by participating was that she had the further opportunity of “learning more about the resilience, resourcefulness and commitment required in low income countries to enable the Nurses there to provide the best health care they can.” This, she felt, has made her value the training and support nurses get in first world countries more and blessed that she has been able to share her knowledge with others not as fortunate – but just as skilled and committed to caring for patients.
A big thank you to Denise for bringing Gillian’s project to our attention and we are so happy that we could sponsor the hand washing training kits.
If you would like to learn more about OPT IN and the work they do, please contact them directly: Website | Email | Tel: 0113 392 5873.