Posted on 29-March-2018   by Imogen Jones

Best healthcare Twitter accounts to follow

Top Healthcare Twitter Accounts Feature

Social media can be a great vehicle to improve patients’ access to healthcare information and other educational resources. And for those working in the industry, tools such as Twitter can be used to enhance professional networking, launch public health programmes and share best practice with others in the sector.

We’ve gathered together a few examples of individuals and organisations who are showing how Twitter can be used effectively to share relevant and timely information, to debate healthcare policy and practice issues, to promote health behaviour and potentially improve health outcomes.

  1. Academy Of Fab Stuff @FabNHSStuff

Sharing fabulous things about the NHS and Social Care. A collaboration to ensure best practice examples, great ideas and service solutions are available to all.

  1. WeNurses @WeNurses

Sharing information, ideas, knowledge and support in order to improve patient care via #WeNurse.

  1. Infection Prevention Society @IPS_Infection

Registered charity with a mission to inform, promote and sustain expert infection prevention policy and practice.

  1. NHS @NHS

Every week a new person becomes the curator of the @NHS Twitter account and through their tweets will offer a glimpse into their life and share their NHS story.

  1. NHS England @NHSEngland

Setting priorities and direction, and encouraging and informing national debate, to improve health and care.

  1. Nursing times @NursingTimes

The voice for the nursing community and the leading source of nursing news and best practice in the United Kingdom.

  1. Martin McShane @docmdmartin

Doctor with surgical, general practice and commissioning experience.

  1. John Appleby @jappleby123

Director of Research and Chief Economist, The Nuffield Trust. FAcSS. Visiting professor, City University, London and at Imperial College. Columnist, BMJ.

  1. The RCN @theRCN

A trade union and professional body supporting more than 435,000 nurses, midwives, HCAs, APs and students #NursingNow#RCNchat

  1. And don’t forget to follow @DanielsHCareLtd for sharps-related updates, team news and healthcare events and campaigns!

Have we missed your favourite healthcare Twitter account? Feel free to share your link below or via Twitter.

If you’re interested in all-things social media, take a look at some of our previous blog posts on using Twitter to promote infection prevention, our work with @WeNurses and the launch of our own Smartphone app.

If you would like to contact our friendly customer support team, call 01865 371 841, email or message through our Facebook Page private inbox.

Imogen is the Product Manager for our SHARPSGUARD® range, and our Marketing Manager for the UK & Ireland.